Monday, October 6, 2008

Wake Up! Pay Attention!

i've heard this theory about how giving big businesses and rich people tax breaks and "incentives" helps the economy. there is this mythological "trickle down" theory that seems to have republicans buying into this ever since i can remember. here are the logical and historical arguments why that does not work:
1) these same big businesses/rich people supported sending OUR jobs and their companies overseas WHILE RECEIVING these so called incentives. what exactly was the incentive designed to do? ohhhh thats right, it was to help the economy. duh. i must be stupid!
2) i don't buy this whinning from big corps and republicans talking about, "well, if the U.S. government was more friendly and we could afford to compete we wouldn't have to send business overseas". i have a itty bitty problem with that arguement. THESE ARE THE SAME COMPANIES WHO SPEND HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS ON CEO AND EXECUTIVE BONUSES EVERY YEAR. there is NO ONE on this planet who NEEDS a salary of 1 million dollars a year. many many executives make WELL over that. if people learn to live modest lives, AS THE BIBLE PROMOTES, companies would have very few issues with finances. Don't get me wrong. i am not into bashing the rich. my business will make me rich one day, but i don't plan to line my pockets with a seven figure income along with other executives of the company, then have the audacity to lay people off or trade the jobs of hard-working american mothers and fathers for foreign laborers who are not and probably never will be committed to this country. i call that anti-american, unpatriotic, greedy, and immoral. i'm sure GOD agrees.
3) our current economic crisis happened when this republican theory was at its zenith. feed the rich more and what happens? well, the outcome is obvious. THEY ASPIRE TO GET RICHER!!!! thats what they do! many of these people were born into wealth. they don't take special government courses to teach them to identify with the middle class or the poor. they see us as a means to get richer. this is a fact. this is the way they think. i don't mind that. some people are born investors or entreprenuers. but some people are born to work a 9 to 5 or nobody would ever stay on a job and the economy fails. god bless those people. the working man and woman are the key to any nation's wealth, and they SHOULD be treated as the MOST valuable resource we will ever have. many of you may remember in the bible, the old testament had rules for working animals...yes ANIMALS. one rule was let him eat all he wanted of whatever it was he helped to till and plant. if i used an ox to till my ground and plant corn, that ox could eat all the corn he wanted as he tilled. you figure it out.
4) ponder this side bar in light of the middle-class and poor. modern day believers of the bible always equate the sin of sodom and ghomorra to be homosexuality. thats NOT the the whole truth. that was one of the things they did, but that was NOT the reason GOD destroyed them. Ezekial 16-48-52 says:

Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.

the reason they ended up so immoral was because of their GREED. you don't have to believe me. search the scriptures. even when GOD judged israel for sinning against him it was ALWAYS attached to their greed of material things leading them into immorality. this is what greed does, it destroys people's character and the fiber of good nations. i don't know if everyone realizes it, but america is on the brink of financial destruction. financial failure precedes all other types of failure.

we must attack greed first. everything else will fall into place with minimal effort.

and by the way, GOD is not a democrate or republican.